About Our School

School Mission/Vision

Lakenheath ES Mission:

Educate, Engage, and Empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world.

Lakenheath ES Vision:

To Provide an Exemplary Education that Inspires and Prepares all DoDEA Students for Success in a Dynamic, Global Environment.

About Our School

Lakenheath Elementary School (LES) opened its doors in 1969 as a K-6 elementary school. Several years ago, after the adoption of the middle level concept at the Lakenheath Middle School, LES became a K-5 elementary school. LES piloted one of the first Sure Start programs in DoDEA, implemented the PSCD program and supported the transition of grades 4-5 to the new Liberty Intermediate School. Currently, LES is a Prekindergarten (PK) to grade 3 school.

LES Strategies:

GRAIR: Guided Reading and Accountable Independent Reading

Staff will work with small groups of students to meet their specific, individual reading needs, while other students read self selected texts based on interests, readability and availability.

Strategic Mathematics Instruction (SMI) is a Tier 3 intervention program designed for intensive support in mathematics. SMI is explicit, evidence-based, small group instruction intended to accelerate the conceptual understanding, problem solving, and reasoning of identified and referred students who are striving to meet grade-level College and Career Ready Standards for Mathematics (CCRSM). SMI is provided in addition to core classroom instruction and core intervention, thereby increasing the total amount of time students receive mathematics instruction. SMI follows an instructional routine that supports or scaffolds the strengthening of deficit skills.

Strategic Literacy Instruction (SLI) is a critical, supplemental instructional component of a DoDEA’s Comprehensive Literacy Program. SLI is explicit, evidence-based, small group instruction intended to accelerate the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills of identified and referred students who are striving to meet grade-level College and Career Ready Standards for Literacy (CCRSL). SLI is provided in addition to core classroom instruction and core intervention, thereby increasing the total amount of time students receive literacy instruction. SLI follows an instructional routine that supports or scaffolds the strengthening of deficit skills. SLI employs the gradual release of responsibility to the student using teacher think aloud ("I do"), modeling and interactive, shared responsibility for the steps to reach the instructional target ("we do"), and student practice supported with immediate and ongoing instructional feedback until the targeted skills are demonstrated ("you do"). The expectation is that students will develop independence and fluency with the targeted skills in order to transfer their learning when faced with similar literacy demands across content areas.

School Goals

School Goals:

Math Goal:

By the end of SY 2025-2026, grades 3-5 will decrease the percentage of students in the "did not meet" or "partially met" performance levels by 5% over two years from 32% to 27% and increase the percentage of students scoring at the met or exceeded performance levels by 5% over two years from 39% to 44% as reported on DoDEA’s CCRSM Summative Assessment.

Literacy Goal:

By the end of SY 2025-2026, grades 3-5 will decrease the percentage of students in the "did not meet" or "partially met" performance levels by 5% over two years from 24% to 19% and increase the percentage of students scoring at the met or exceeded performance levels by 5% over two years from 48% to 53% as reported on DoDEA’s CCRSL Summative Assessment.

Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Mr. David Ballesteros-Burkett.

Mr. David Burkett

Unit 5105
APO, AE 09461-5105
United States

+44 (0)1638-52-3721
DoDEA's official photo of Andria Quinata.

Andria Quinata

Unit 5105
APO, AE 09461-5105
United States

+44 (0)1638-52-3721
Lakenheath Elementary School official mascot Rocky the Eagle
Enrollment: 529
Mascot Downloads
School Colors
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