Welcome to Lakenheath Elementary School, home to Rocky the Eagle. Truly, I feel very honored to work in DoDEA with such amazing and talented teachers. Our dedicated staff is committed to meeting the unique needs of all our learners in a safe and caring environment. Our mission is to support our military-connected families by providing world class education for every student based on their individual needs and in accordance with DoDEA instructional goals and standards.
We teach the ‘whole child,’ in that we support the academic/cognitive, social and emotional, physical, and behavioral needs of the child. We can do this because we have been so fortunate in building a strong partnership with our parents, military community, and staff. By working together and sharing our knowledge and experience, our students continue to make gains and improvements.
We are always looking at educational research, academic supports, and best practices to help our students take academic risks without fear of failure; we continue to model 21st Century Teaching and Learning strategies to include collaborating, critical thinking opportunities, co-teaching, and ensure engaging opportunities are available for our students.
We are committed to the learning process and understand that there is always room to push ourselves. Our leadership teams, teachers, and stakeholders are actively involved with our Continuous School Improvement (CSI) process. We are consistently reflecting and revisiting what we do for children, to ensure we are on the right track and to make improvements. We are focused on data and continue to use it to drive our instruction and create global learners. We are always ready to support our learners including providing our 3rd graders with 1-to-1 computer support.
The DoDEA mission is to "Educate, Engage, and Empower Each Student to succeed in a dynamic world". As your Principal, I look forward to continuing to work with all of you: our parents, students, staff, military, and local communities, to support our organization's mission as we grow and change.
Elementary school is a wonderful time for students, but it moves quickly. The teaching and social opportunities and learning opportunities that are provided to our littlest and youngest learners sets the tone and provides the building blocks for all the other grade levels in intermediate, middle school and high school. Being active learners in Grades PreK-3 are essential for life-long learning. We know that no-two-days are ever the same at this level, so please know we love what we do and are passionate about supporting your children—our students.
We are so excited to have you joining us at LES.