Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Mr. David Ballesteros-Burkett.

Mr. David Burkett

Unit 5105
APO, AE 09461-5105
United States

+44 (0)1638-52-3721
DoDEA's official photo of Andria Quinata.

Andria Quinata

Unit 5105
APO, AE 09461-5105
United States

+44 (0)1638-52-3721

School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Attendance Attendance 01638-46-0160
Information Specialist Information Specialist 01638-46-0160
Reception Front Office 01638-46-0160
Registrar Registrar 01638-46-0160
PreK, K, 3rd School Counselor School Counselor works with PreK, K, 3rd grade 01638-46-0160
1st/2nd School Counselor School Counselor works with 1st, 2nd grades 01638-46-0160
School Meals Program School Meals Program 0434-30-5600
School Nurse School Nurse 01638-46-0160
School Psychologist School Psychologist 01638-46-0160
School Webmaster School Webmaster 01638-46-0160

School Hours

Regular Hours Early Release 

8:10 a.m. - 2:35 p.m.


8:10 a.m. - 1:35 p.m.



Arrival Dismissal Procedures

  • School breakfast starts at 0740 and ends at 0810, with the last call for serving at 0805. Students must enter through the kindergarten patio doors to access breakfast.
  • If your child is not attending breakfast, due to the lack of supervision, children should not arrive earlier than 0800. Your cooperation in this matter will greatly enhance the safety and security of our students.
  • Parents of students who walk to school are advised not to allow their children to leave home too early.
  • Parents must come to the front office to sign their child in if he/she arrives after 0820. It should be noted that base policy has determined that it is the responsibility of our students' parents as to whether their children are supervised by an adult or older sibling while walking to and from school or bus stop.
  • Per base policy, kindergarten students must be walked by an adult or a child 12 years or older and cannot be left alone outside or walking to and from school, kindergarten teachers or paraprofessionals will be outside to supervise kindergarteners at 0805. Please be advised, an older sibling cannot walk a kindergarten student to and from school unless they are 12 years or older.
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